Consumer Information

法律要求世界杯赌场盘口向注册学生提供, 未来的学生和他们的家长对其运作的某些信息.

法律要求世界杯赌场盘口向注册学生提供, prospective students, and their parents certain information about its operations. Such information pertains to: (1) general institutional operation, (2) financial aid, (3) general completion and graduation rates, (4) annual security report, (5) completion and graduation rates for student athletes, and (6) athletic program participation rates and financial support.

为了满足这一要求,下面提供了世界杯赌场盘口的信息. Web site addresses are specified for all information items and any questions can be addressed to the UMKC Student HelpLine at 816-235-2222 or UMKC can provide a paper copy of any of the information items displayed on the listed web sites upon request.

In addition, UMKC occasionally develops statements or policies on important matters and distributes them to all students. It is a student's responsibility to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the departmental, college and University levels, including those described in these resources:

Academic and Accreditation Information

Information concerning UMKC’s current educational programs and course descriptions is available on our Academics page. This includes information about instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to the academic programs, as well as faculty and other instructional personnel.

每个本科学术课程的其他信息和主要地图可以在 Academic Catalog.

有关学术管理的政策和程序可从 Provost's Policy Library and the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University of Missouri.

The University of Missouri-Kansas City is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association. See our Statement of Affiliation Status.

Specific undergraduate, graduate, 专业课程也由专门的认证机构认证. Please see the full list of accredited programs and their accrediting agencies.

See more information about UMKC accreditation

Retention and Graduation data of the university’s degree-seeking, 全日制本科生可在机构研究办公室获得, Assessment and Planning website.

每个机构必须每年向国家和社会公众提供一份报告. The states submit to the Department of Education, and make available to the public, an annual report containing institutional and state-level information. The Department makes the state reports available to the public (select school from drop-down EPP Menu).

Select your course schedule in the UMKC Bookstore Textbook Ordering System to shop and compare prices for your course materials.  

Visit UMKC Bookstore

Tuition and Financial Aid

The cost of attending UMKC consists of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.

View cost of attendance

The Financial Aid and Scholarships website includes information about the following:

  • need-based and non-need based federal, state, local, 为学生提供的私人和机构财政援助计划
  • eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid
  • criteria for selecting recipients and determining amount of award
  • methods and frequency of disbursements of aid
  • financial aid terms and conditions, 包括作为经济援助计划一部分的适用于就业的条款
  • rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA loans
  • the availability of financial aid for study abroad program
  • how financial aid is handled when students withdraw
  • contact information for questions regarding financial aid


根据2008年高等教育机会法案(HEOA), by October 29, 2011, 参加第四章学生援助计划的美国每一所高等教育机构必须在其网站上发布一个净价计算器,该计算器根据学生的个人情况,使用机构数据向当前和未来的学生及其家庭提供估计的净价信息.

Use the net price calculator

See current tuition and fee rates on the Cashiers website.

联邦法律规定,学生在接受经济援助的入学期间,因持有或销售受管制物质而被判犯有联邦或州法律规定的罪行的,不得获得任何联邦或机构的资助, loan, or work assistance.

See the written notice of penalties for drug violations (PDF)

If a student withdraws or drops a course, UMKC will adhere to the published educational fees refund schedule. Exceptions to the refund schedule may be requested via written student appeal. Please see more information regarding the requirements and procedures 为寻求退课并返回第四章HEA经济援助的学生.

Student Safety and Health

有关公共安全的信息在校园犯罪和消防安全报告中提供. Also called the Clery Report, it includes crime statistics for the previous three years, information about police and public safety resources, reporting crimes, coordination between law enforcement agencies, fire and medical emergencies, crime prevention, victim support services, UMKC policies, campus facilities, residence hall security, timely warning policy statement, the UMKC Policy on Sexual Harassment, and the UMKC Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

View UMKC Clery Report

Pursuant to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, 任何被要求在州性犯罪者登记计划下登记的人都必须通知该州他或她受雇或注册的每一所高等教育机构,并且必须提醒该州注册或就业状况的任何变化.  Sex offender registration information is to be transmitted from each state to the law enforcement agency where the registered sex offender resides.  The Missouri Sex Offender Registry is maintained by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

To obtain a paper copy of UMKC’s Clery Report or the crime log, contact the University of Missouri Kansas City Police Department at (816) 235-1515 or at 5005 Oak Street.

以充分保护其学生面临的传染病风险, UMKC要求对被确定为高风险的学生进行各种免疫接种.e., residence hall students, international students and those enrolled in the schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing) These students will be notified by the appropriate campus office of specific immunization requirements pertaining to them. 出于健康和宗教原因,允许不接种疫苗. 因任何原因免除免疫接种的学生必须签署密苏里大学豁免表格(18岁以下学生的家长必须签署). For medical exemptions, the form must be completed by a physician. 该表格应代替实际的免疫记录提交给提出要求的办事处. 这些记录将与实际的免疫记录一起保存在适当的办公室. For their own protection, 如果疫情爆发,获得豁免的学生可能被要求离开校园. 密苏里大学堪萨斯分校强烈鼓励所有学生审查和更新他们的免疫记录, particularly as they relate to measles. The American College Health Association recommends that all college students born after 1956 should have two doses of the measles vaccine. All UMKC students are encouraged to file health care provider-signed documentation of immunization with the Registrar’s Office. In the event of a measles outbreak, 没有文件的学生可能会被要求离开校园.

密苏里大学堪萨斯分校建议所有即将入学的学生遵循学校的建议 American College Health Association.

Health professions and education majors may be required additional immunizations per individual schools.

UMKC学生健康提供所有这些免疫接种,请参阅他们的完整列表 primary health care services.

Meningitis is a preventable disease that can affect college students and cause serious and even fatal consequences. Learn more about meningitis and the vaccine that can protect you. If you live in campus housing, 你需要接种这种疫苗或在住宿生活办公室签署一份弃权书. If you have not received a dose since age 16, call Student Health Center at 816-235-6133 for an appointment. The Missouri Health and Senior Services brochure (PDF) is a great informational resource.


View missing student policy (PDF)

UMKC Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (PDF)

The Campus Crime and Fire Safety Report provides information about alcohol and other drug health risks, drug alcohol laws and penalties, and campus alcohol and other drug education and counseling resources.

A Missouri state law requires all students, 教师和访客在参加涉及潜在眼睛危害的教学课程时佩戴工业质量的护眼设备.

你的班主任会告诉你需要什么样的保护措施. Personal protective eye wear can be obtained at the UMKC Bookstore.

Suicide Prevention Policy

UMKC致力于促进校园社区的心理健康和健康,并共同努力提高对心理健康资源的认识和获取,以支持我们的学生, faculty, and staff. 密苏里州法律要求大学制定并实施一项政策,就校园内外的自杀预防项目向学生和员工提供建议.

Disability and Accessibility

Student Accessibility Services:

  • provides disability-related information and referrals
  • documents disability
  • conducts needs assessments
  • facilitates reasonable accommodations
  • 提供与残疾有关的技术援助和辅助设备/服务
  • provides advocacy and training

Find additional information on services and resources available to students with disabilities on their website.

Visit Student Accessibility Services

有语言或听力障碍的人可以通过Relay Missouri与大学联系, 800-735-2966 (TTY).

Visit the Disability Resources 有关为残疾学生提供的服务和资源的更多信息.

Outcomes and Career Information

The Student Outcomes Report 提供UMKC学士学位获得者的毕业后成果. The report is prepared using information obtained annually from students who received a baccalaureate degree, 提供他们在大学毕业过渡期间的进步快照.

In addition, students and alumni have access to UMKC Career Services, which provides assessments, individual career counseling, workshops, career fairs, 和校园规划,作为大学全面职业发展经验的一部分.

Visit Career Services

General student and campus information

College Scorecard

College Scorecards in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability and Transparency Center make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. 你可以使用大学记分卡来了解更多关于大学的负担能力和价值,这样你就可以更明智地决定去哪所大学.

Paying for College

寻求帮助,就如何支付大学学费做出明智的财务决定. 从比较经济援助或了解学生贷款偿还方式开始.

College Navigator

Use information from the National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences to guide your college search process.

Information about student body diversity, 包括按性别和种族/民族划分的全日制在校生人数, is provided by Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning.

See how many undergraduate students receive a Federal Pell Grant

密苏里大学致力于提供一个积极的工作和学习环境,在这里所有的人都受到公平和尊重, regardless of their status. Intimidation and harassment have no place in a university community. To honor the dignity and inherent worth of every individual — student, -是每个大学成员都应该追求的目标,也是大学官员应该关注和投入资源的目标.

With respect to students, it is the University’s special responsibility to provide a positive climate in which students can learn. 校长们被期望提供教育项目和其他直接资源,用于创造性和严肃的措施,旨在改善人际关系,帮助培养对不同类型的人的健康态度,并营造一种氛围,在这种氛围中,学生被视为个体,而不是某一类人的成员. Visit the website for more information on intellectual diversity, grievance procedures and sexual harassment.

Visit the Office of Equity & Title IX

With respect to employees, the strength we have as a university is directly related to maintaining a positive work environment throughout the institution. The University should provide a positive recruiting and work environment focused on the duties and skills of work to be performed. 大学期望所有员工和潜在员工的待遇都是基于他们的贡献,而不考虑与能力无关的个人特征, demonstrated ability, 履行或促进学校的合法利益. The General Officers are expected to provided training programs for supervisors to assist in achieving this objective.

Get more information about the UM Equal Employment/ Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and Equity Resolution Processes.

Student Records

In accordance with Public Law 93-380, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, UMKC is required to inform currently enrolled students of their right to access certain education records. Education records maintained by UMKC, and available to students, are financial aid records, students’ cumulative advisement file, student health records, disciplinary records and the cumulative scholastic record. 

Additional information regarding student rights under FERPA is available from the Office of the Registrar. This information includes UMKC procedures for reviewing and requesting amendment of education records, 通知UMKC指定为目录信息的信息类型, and students’ right to opt-out of directory information.

Get more information on FERPA

Student Complaints and Discipline

Students can also visit the University of Missouri Student Standard of Conduct for more information about student conduct and discipline.

世界杯赌场盘口致力于尊重我们大学社区的所有成员,并为所有学生提供高质量的教育体验. The objective of the Student Complaint Policy is to ensure that the concerns and complaints of students are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly.

In most instances, situations can be resolved by speaking with the department chair, dean’s office or by following these established processes:

UMKC Grade Appeal Process

UMKC Refund Petition Process

UM Equal Employment/ Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and Equity Resolution Processes

UMKC Title IX Office

UMKC Student HelpLine

If a student has a significant complaint that cannot be addressed within another established university policy, 学生可以选择向学生教务处提出正式投诉. 此投诉程序不是重新审查根据大学政策做出的决定的上诉,也不取代其他已定义的大学程序. If the student's complaint involves discrimination or Title IX issues, the student is referred to the Office of Affirmative Action.

Students may submit a formal complaint to the Office of the Dean of Students utilizing the online complaint form. 正式投诉应包括有关关切的具体信息, measures the student has already taken to address the concern, and any resolution sought. 学生主任将确定调查和处理每个投诉的最佳流程.

File a formal complaint with the Dean of Students

In addition, the University has an obligation to track and log significant student complaints as required by federal regulations and the Higher Learning Commission. The Office of the Dean of Students will log student complaints that are made utilizing the formal online complaint form. This log does not include concerns reported to other individuals, concerns reported by individuals who are not current, former, or prospective students, and concerns for which other processes exist. UMKC does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who file a complaint or who cooperate in the investigation of such complaints.

如果在用尽所有可用的机构程序后,学生的投诉仍未得到解决, the student may make a complaint to the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education (PDF).

Students enrolled in online courses and/or online programs can file a formal complaint through the established UMKC Student Complaint Policy.  如果在线学生对这个过程的结果不满意, a complaint may be made via the Missouri SARA portal agency.

Students may also make a complaint to the Higher Learning Commission.

UMKC信息服务提供UMKC政策和制裁相关的信息 copyright infringement and unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, 包括对使用澳门大学资讯科技系统非法下载或未经授权分发受版权保护资料的学生采取纪律处分. 该信息还包括一个通知,告知学生未经授权分发受版权保护的材料可能使学生承担民事和刑事责任. 还提供了对违反联邦版权法的处罚的摘要.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

State Information and Legal Statements

States require that the University of Missouri-Kansas City be authorized to deliver university-level distance and online education to their residents.

View state authorization and programs authorized

澳门大学系统管理委员会和澳门大学堪萨斯分校致力于为所有学生提供平等的机会,没有基于种族的非法歧视, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. Compliance with Chapter 600.010 of the UM System Collected Rules and Regulations is monitored by the Office of Affirmative Action, but it is the responsibility of the entire university community to provide equal opportunity through relevant practices, initiatives, and programs. If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination or harassment based on their protected identity, you can make a report using UMKC’s online Title IX complaint form.

The Office of Equity & Title IX, 212 Administrative Center, 5115 Oak St., is responsible for all relevant programs. Call 816-235-1323 for information.

Constitution Day became a recognized federal holiday in 2004, when legislation authored by Senator Robert Byrd was signed into law. 该法案要求所有接受公共资助的教育机构在每年9月17日或之前提供有关美国宪法历史的教育节目.

UMKC每年都会举办一个由UMKC法学院共同赞助的活动来庆祝宪法日,该活动反映了宪法的一个方面及其对我们日常生活的影响. See information about our 2023 celebration.

Athletics and Transfer Information

In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, 关于UMKC男子和女子运动项目的信息可在 U.S. 教育部高等教育办公室体育公平披露网站. 该报告包括每个团队按性别划分的参与者人数, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches’ salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid.

See retention and graduation rates for student-athletes

Get information related to transfer and test credit

有关从其他机构转学分以及大学批准的衔接和财团协议的更多信息,请访问 Transfer Center.